In partnership with the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda, we challenged the youth at Nakivale Refugee Settlement to come up with ideas that would change the lives of young people living at Nakivale for the better. And we were amazed by the response! Hundreds of youth submitted ideas. It was a difficult decision, but we narrowed all of those ideas down to 13 winners, to be awarded at a gala in Kampala held in their honor on Friday, October 21st.
These are wonderful ideas, worthy of recognition. But we want to take it a step farther, and recognize not only the ingenuity of these ideas – we also want to make them happen. Their 13 ideas range from establishing a computer repair workshop, to an idea for raising chickens, but they’re all united by one thing – they give youth living in Nakivale Refugee Settlement hope for the future.
10 of the winning ideas are now listed on GoFundMe, which can be accessed through the links below. Our goal is to get all of them funded, and to get make these refugees’ dreams a reality. Will you help us get there?
Zubeda Uwitonze
Help Zubeda Expand Her Retail Shop in Nakivale
Samuel Tesfamariam
Help Samuel Transform Lives With Trees
Paul Mushasho
Help Paul Become the First Bee Keeper in Nakivale
Fabian Sheema
Help Fabian Establish a Print Shop and Youth Publishing Group
Gilbert Mugabo
Help Gilbert Bottle His Congolese Honey Juice
Jean Claude Kagabo
Help Jean Claude Expand His Bakery Business
Elias Kabura
Help Elias Start Nakivale’s First Photo Studio
Halima Mustafa Mukiwa
Help Halima Establish Mama School
Irene Ndikumahoro
Help Irene Get Her Sewing Machines
Jean De Dedien Uwizeye
Help Jean Setup a Computer Workshop