Becoming a Welcomer
We’re so excited and grateful to have you on the journey of being a sponsor, and we’re here to be your guides on the journey. Welcome to the sponsor resource hub! On this page you will find an eLearning training, an invitation to join our weekly open Zoom rooms hosted by our Sponsor Guides, and lots of tools to help you navigate your sponsorship journey! Get started below!
The Training
This course will guide you and the newcomers from the moment of their arrival at the airport (including preparing for that day) until the moment you reach your sponsorship goals. The course will provide tools that you can use to complete the necessary tasks for Day 1, Week 1 and Month 1 of the journey. We recommend that all your group members take this course, and you can come back to it at any time to reference and refresh your mind! Start the course now.
Weekly Zoom sessions
Our Sponsor Guides, Tolya and Anastasiia, host weekly open Zoom rooms to answer questions and give sponsors a space to connect and chat with one another. Please join us weekly on Tuesdays at 11 am CT and Thursdays at 4 pm CT. The Zoom room remains open for an hour and you’re welcome to join at any point within that time to ask your questions and connect. Here’s the link to join!
More Sponsorship Resources…
- – Sponsorship One Pager, to share with your friends!
– A brief introduction to sponsorship and what it means.
– Want to recruit other sponsors? Use our Sponsorship Deck.
– Need more resources? Use our Sponsorship Toolkit.
Ready to start raising funds for your family? – Start a fundraiser!
– And here’s a quick fundraising how-to that might help you get started.
Connect with Sponsors
Join this Facebook group to connect with other sponsors, share your experience and ask questions!
Access to join the group: Alight’s Sponsor Program – Sponsor Connection Hub | Facebook