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    Keeping kids safe at the Youth Center in Apopa

    Day 151

    Under One Roof

    It’s funny how you don’t notice how much you use something until it’s gone. Or it’s broken. For the Catholic Sisters at the Apopa Youth Center, that thing is a printer.

    A printer is an incredibly useful tool to the Sisters. But it’s not only useful – sometimes, it can mean keeping kids safe.

    “When we print things, we have to search for different places in town,” said Sister Conchi, lamenting the fact that their office printer is currently defunct. “And we can’t send our youth coordinators to go print because it could be dangerous for them.”

    Apopa sits at the center of three rival gangs, making it treacherous for people to walk around freely. We saw an easy way we could help everyone stay out of the violence.

    We went out and purchased a printer for the Sisters, and voila! They could get printed materials safely again.

    “This is also going to be helpful for them to do homework,” said Sister Conchi. “They won’t have to go anywhere else.”

    Having access to things like a working printer is something small, but it’s another valued service the Sisters can offer to their community. With so many things available underneath their roof, there’s no reason for kids to venture out into the unknown.

    Sister Conchi couldn’t stop smiling. “Now we have the materials they need. That’s a big support.”

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    by Alight


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