One thing we know is true – just because we can’t do everything, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything. In fact, doing something opens up a door – you can return to a problem and do one doable thing at a time until the job is finished.
And because we’re committed to making change at Bidi Bidi, for Day 93 we wanted to go back and finish something we started on Day 19 – finishing the painting at Ariwa health clinic. And this time, we’re focusing our attention on not just the maternity ward, but the entire complex.
With buckets of paint and brushes in hand, we set out to paint the triage office, patient intake rooms, waiting areas, and recovery rooms. Instead of dark, grimy walls, now patients will be surrounded by a fresh coat of paint, clean walls, and brightened rooms.
“Just a couple of days ago this place looked like a deserted area where no one should be treated,” said Joseph, an ARC team member who helped repaint the rooms. “But a simple touch can make all the difference. Thinking of a new mother walking in here, she’ll have a new feeling and the power to heal.”
It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to brighten your day, even your outlook on life. With new life to the walls, patients – and clinic staff too – will have a more beautiful space in which to heal.