Our team in East Darfur are masters of creating user-friendly experience for those we serve. And they’re full of innovative ideas! As we sat down to brainstorm ways to better assist the mothers who utilize our clinics, the team came up with an amazing idea. When a mother leaves the clinic with her newborn child, she might have questions pop up that she never anticipated nor got the chance to ask about. After all, she was pretty busy during her time at the clinic! To keep these mothers in-the-know about what to expect from their newborn babies, the team had the idea to print flyers in many different languages that new mothers can take home and read! These simple, colorful flyers are a small thing, but they’ll go a long way in making new mothers feel informed and comfortable. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about! … [Read more...] about Cheat Sheets
In Sudan
Bringing New Life to New Spaces
Many times, hospitals in refugee settings are set up to save lives – but they don’t feel very human. They can feel cold, and intimidating, especially for young children. So our doctors at Elnimir Refugee Camp in East Darfur had an idea to make this hospital better, for everyone. Doctor Bedreldin has been working in the Elnimir for a while now. He provides great care and service to the refugees we serve there but he wants to take it one step further. “I want the children to have a better place to play,” he told us. “A lot of babies fear for meeting doctors and we have a crowded clinic.” His plan was simple. A new space painted with cartoons and toys for the children to spend their time while they wait to see the doctors. “Mothers can also feed in this room,” he said. “It removes stress, and the children can stay separated from the other sick patients.” With the help of some local artists and our procurement team that gathered some of the toys in town, the space was … [Read more...] about Bringing New Life to New Spaces
Dress for Success
Whether in school, work, or just everyday life, the clothes you wear have an impact on how you’re feeling. When it's time to hit the gym, you want something you can move around in. As you step into a job interview, you’re looking for something that conveys confidence. And when you’re a student at Bilal Primary School, you want your uniform to be respectful and clean. Bilal is in El Neem Refugee Camp in East Darfur. It’s filled with bright students who are excited and eager to learn, despite the challenges. One of our staff members, Dr Kalthoum, brought an issue to our attention...Many of the students of Bilal had very well-loved uniforms and it was not making them feel very confident. Some even felt embarrassed about their appearance. “I’ve seen students stop coming to school because of their uniforms,” said Dr. Kalthoum. “They are torn and the students feel embarrassed.” Dr. Kalhtoum knows that education is the key to a successful future. So she had the brilliant idea of … [Read more...] about Dress for Success
On a Mission to Help Mothers
One of our head doctors in East Darfur, Dr. Kalthoum, is on a mission. She's seen many mothers struggle with breastfeeding complications, and she had the amazing idea to help provide formula as an alternative. As Dr. Kalthoum explained, “In some situations, the mother’s milk decreases due to their sickness or a hormone disorder. Also, sometimes three or four months after giving birth to a baby, mothers stop breastfeeding the newborn child, and this affects the child's growth and health.” But formula isn’t readily available, especially if you don’t have the money to purchase it in town. This can be hard! Being a new mother is already full of new challenges, and Dr. Kalthoum wanted to ensure that worrying about what a baby will eat isn’t one of them. Under Dr. Kalthoum’s guidance, we were able to source the proper formula so mothers can have peace of mind about their children's health! “This formula will go a long way to making sure babies are healthy!” Dr. Kalthoum told … [Read more...] about On a Mission to Help Mothers
While You Wait
No matter where you are in the world, one thing is true: waiting rooms are boring. We’ve all been there, patiently waiting minutes—or even hours—to hear our names called. It can feel like forever as you pass the time reading magazines or simply watching the clock. Our clinic staff in East Darfur feels this truth every day. But they had a solution! The clinic staff saw potential to better use this waiting time. They wanted to take that time as an opportunity for teaching, to help people of all ages learn something new as they wait. To make this easier, they asked to install a screen, turning the waiting area into a classroom and movie theater all in one! Quick as a flash, we were back at the clinic with a fresh new screen! You could feel the energy shift as our staff realized they can now offer their patients an amazing waiting room experience. And just like that, this incredible idea will have a huge impact for each and every person who visits the clinic. … [Read more...] about While You Wait
A Fond Farewell
Today is a day of celebration. As our good friend and amazing teammate Beatrice Nyalwal ends her time with Alight, we’re toasting the incredible impact she’s had on the people of Kalma Refugee Camp and our Alight Sudan Program. Beatrice is a true changemaker, and one of the many amazing things she’ll be remembered for is her warm meals project. Thanks to Beatrice, we provide a warm meal and hot drink to new mothers, benefiting their health, recovery, and overall well-being after the stress of birth. Beatrice’s program is a human centered answer to providing better service, and it’s a simple but effective way of showing new mothers that we care. “The meal can sometimes bring more joy than the baby, because when they come to us, they are very stunted and have nothing to eat. The meal can even relive pain because they are so happy,” one of the midwives told us. Because Beatrice has given so much, we wanted to be sure to give her a warm send off. What better way to do … [Read more...] about A Fond Farewell
Feeling Better
Kalma Camp is right now struggling with malaria. The wet season ended not long ago and mosquito populations are high. Visiting our health center in Sector 6 of the camp, we learned that they were seeing hundreds of new cases of malaria every day. In the center’s laboratory where they test blood samples for the disease, they were running through microscope slide cover glasses faster than they could keep them in stock. Laying on cots in the temporary stay ward, patients were suffering malaria attacks – shaking chills, high fever, headache, nausea. A temporary shortage of malaria treatment drugs means that many of these people are not receiving the drugs they need to fight the disease. And if the malaria parasite is able to spread throughout the body unchecked, malaria can be fatal. “We can save lives if we buy malaria medicines,” Arafa, our HR Manager, encouraged us. Our team headed to Nyala, the closest city, to find malaria drugs available in stores and in the … [Read more...] about Feeling Better
Keeping Things Rolling
Our team in Kalma Camp in Darfur had so many great ideas related to water...Luckily we have the water committee to lean on! Although water is readily available in Kalma, getting the water day-in and day-out can still be a big challenge for some in the community. People living with a disability and the elderly often struggle to get large, heavy water jugs back to their homes. We wanted to lighten the load a bit – with some wheelbarrows. The wheelbarrows will be stored near the water points. They’ll be available for anyone to more easily wheel their water back to their homes, or for a neighbor to fetch water for them. “We’ve done the best we can to make water available all the time at the water points,” said Abbas, the South Darfur Program Manager. “This will ensure our most vulnerable residents will also have water whenever they need it.” … [Read more...] about Keeping Things Rolling
A Lot from a Little
It’s thanks to the Kalma Water Committee that the community has enough water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. It’s a huge service…that they do as volunteers. So, when there’s an opportunity, our staff always wants to help the committee in any way that we can. Nearby one of our solar water pumping centers and next to a water point, there is an open area with good soil. Our team’s idea was to give the water committee quality vegetable seeds so they can grow produce that they can share amongst them and that will supplement their family’s diet. “One of the committee members lives nearby,” Yousif from our water team told us. “He can keep an eye on the garden for the group.” So our team headed out to find some good quality seeds – carrots, onions, tomatoes. Darfur has struggled with poor quality seeds, so we wanted to make sure to find the best that would ensure a good harvest and provide seeds for the future. The Committee was so happy to have the new seeds. “We’ll … [Read more...] about A Lot from a Little
Making Every Drop Count
The Water Committee in Kalma Camp that keeps the whole water system running does a great job. That’s why our team knew we could rely on the committee for another important task… The water points around Kalma run on-demand. When someone is done filling up their water jug or jerrican, the water turns off – so there isn’t a lot of wasted water. Nonetheless, with so many people using the water points, there’s always overflow and water puddles around most water sources. That gave our team an idea. “It’s always muddy,” said Yousif, who works on our water team. “Why don’t we plant some fruit trees here to soak up the water overflow.” It seemed like a great way to make use of a precious resource and provide a service to the community – fruit and shade at the water points. And when we heard that our budget was enough to plant several trees at each water point, it was a no-brainer. Our logistics team headed to a nursery where they bought two hundred mango trees and two hundred … [Read more...] about Making Every Drop Count