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    No shortage of enthusiasm for new growth in Kyaka

    Day 10

    Start from the Center

    Damli is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo. A mother of two, she’s given her time and energy over the past few days to help us find communities in need of a boost in green, fruit, and life-giving trees.

    Serge, a former journalist from DRC, fled five years ago when the government seized his laptop and cell phone because of his reporting. He too was happy to hop in the back of our truck and help distribute, interpret, and help communities plant the trees.

    Pastor Jean Bosco reached out to his community to find those who could most use the fruit-bearing trees, helping us connect with families and hear their stories.

    All three had incredible ideas for what might impact the Kyaka community in the most powerful ways. And they had one more…

    Damli, Serge, and Jean Bosco wanted to plant trees in the center of camp, in the community of Sweswe.

    “The trees help the community in Sweswe in so many ways,” he said. “They help the environment, they attract rain, we can eat them, we can become healthier because of the fruit. We can even use them for compost to help things later. Mangoes can also be cooked and used as medicine. They stop erosion. They even provide shade.”

    There’s no shortage of enthusiasm for new growth in Kyaka, especially from this crew. More trees in the center of the settlement signify a refresh, a breath of fresh air, a little bit of joy and life – that radiates inside to out.

    This day of change brought to you by Greater Goods.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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