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    Some time to play and relax

    Day 217

    Sports to Destress

    Our teams around the world work in challenging environments. They work in places that are or have recently experienced violent conflict or in other places that are receiving refugees fleeing violence. The work is often challenging and very heavy. So, we asked our teams around the world to come up with some ideas – $500 or less – about how to better care for themselves and for their fellow team members.

    The team at Kiziba Refugee Camp (above) in Rwanda loves to get out and get active, but they often don’t have the time or the place to go and play. So the team’s idea was to get an annual subscription to a sports facility not too far from the camp.

    “This place has all kinds of sports where all the staff will meet once a month and do the sport of their choice,” said team member Zuberi Ugirashebuja. “We hope it will make staff members become more sociable and forget for a moment their challenges at work.”

    On their first visit to the Moriah Hill facility, the staff stretched together and warmed up as a group. Then they split up. Some played a serious game of volleyball, others messed around on the basketball court and a handful went for a swim. They ended the day feeling renewed.

    “This will help our team stay fit, prevent illness and avoid stress,” said Zuberi. “It will make a big difference for us.”

    By the end of the outing, the Kiziba team had decided to make their visit to the sports facility a weekly trip – instead of once per month. They plan to meet there each and every week on Thursdays after working hours.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


    Changemakers 365 members give either $30 per month or a one-time gift of $365 (it’s free for anyone who has ever lived in a refugee camp). Join us!

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