Yesterday, we met some of the amazing teachers of Ruhoko Primary. They participated in the World Refugee Day 5k in Nakivale refugee settlement to raise the funds to get their students futbol equipment. But, they had another idea to make their futbol team complete.
“Our second idea is to level our futbol pitch,” explains Simon, a teacher here at Ruhoko. Looking at the futbol pitch, you wouldn’t even know that it was intended to be a playing field. Filled with thorny bushes, dirt mounds and rocks, it was a dangerous place for kids to play.
We first started by using a grader to level the field, making it even, flat and properly sized. Once this was done, it was time to paint and install new goal posts and nets. The last finishing touch was painting lines to demarcate the different zones of the field.
Within a few days’ time the futbol pitch was complete. “Wow, we are happy for this work and a new field here at Ruhoko,” said Simon.
Special thanks to Clif Bar and Kenan Hanhan for generously supporting Ruhoko and making this idea happen. Coach Simon told us: “Send our regards to all these people – they did something wondrous.”