Protecting the World's Most Vulnerable Refugees
The Platform: 
ORAM - Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration - started as the only international organization devoted solely to advocating for sexual and gender minority asylum seekers and refugees fleeing persecution and violence.
ORAM officially joined the Alight family in September 2017. As a subsidiary partner, ORAM maintains its identity and leadership in providing critical support to LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees worldwide. As a part of the Alight family, ORAM is able to amplify what they do and leverage the larger organization to pursue problems and solutions that wouldn’t have been possible before.
Outreach and Advocacy
Reaching out to as many agencies, groups and people as possible who interact with sexual and gender minorities helps ORAM to best protect individuals who are truly vulnerable from all sides. Advocacy and education are cornerstones in their protection strategy.
ORAM advocates for widespread policy changes within agencies, organizations, and governing bodies and trains the staff of these groups in how best to support extremely vulnerable refugees. ORAM also opens a dialog with host communities on the challenges faced by vulnerable refugees and how best to support them.
Refugee Assistance
Life as a refugee, removed from your community and navigating a new place with new laws is difficult and frustrating. For LGBTI asylum seekers refugees, it’s even more challenging – and can be dangerous.
ORAM provides much-needed direct support to sexual and gender minorities fleeing persecution – ensuring they know their rights and have access to legal assistance, LGBTI services to meet their specific needs, and that their host countries recognize their right to security and equal protection. ORAM helps asylum seekers navigate the process from the time they flee their country of origin, through the asylum process and when possible, through to their resettlement to a safe third country.
ORAM's Executive Director is Steve Roth (
ORAM: Related Information
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ORAM helps to spearhead ambitious soap-making project in Kakuma Refugee Camp
With close to 200,000 refugees, Kakuma Refugee Camp is one of the largest camps in the world. It’s also home to hundreds of East African LGBTIQ asylum seekers and refugees, who have fled from Uganda, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan, and Burundi. LGBTIQ refugees are often doubly stigmatized — firstly for being foreigners or refugees, and secondly on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Read MoreLet’s Meet Steve Roth