1. 30 Years in Uganda
Nakivale Refugee Settlement is one of the world’s most diversely populated refugee settlements, hosting residents from DRC, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and several other countries.
At least 33,817 refugees have arrived in Uganda since the beginning of 2023. Alight Uganda’s programs in Nakivale focus on Protection, Gender Based Violence and Livelihood development opportunities for women and youth.
This year Alight celebrates their 30th year anniversary of refugee intervention in Uganda! Alight team members and leaders traveled there to co-create, spark joy and do the doable with the community members.
Nakivale Refugee Settlement is one of the seven settlements across Uganda that Alight has served for many years. Nakivale supports 100,000 people that contribute to the enrichment and advancement of the settlement. As a part of the festivities, Alight CEO Jocelyn Wyatt and CMEO Zohra Zori got to join in on a beautiful art session with the youth at the new community library. Of the 3,000 people who visit the library every month, more than half are children. These sessions have nurtured talents and provided solace for those dealing with the trauma of forced displacement.
2. Umuganda in Rwanda
Alight CEO Jocelyn Wyatt and CMEO Zohra Zori recently joined in with the Alight Rwanda team on some Umuganda festivities. Umuganda is a national holiday where community members come together on the last Saturday of every month to make a difference. Umuganda is abundant. It signifies community, innovation and unity.
The mission for this month’s Umuganda was powerful. The Alight Rwanda Team and 2000+ of amazing volunteers came together to build a home for a widow and her family! Jocelyn and Zohra Zori rolled up their sleeves and took the lead on brickmaking.
Alight also hosted a dinner with different stakeholders, celebrating Alight’s 30 years of working with communities in Rwanda and showcasing some of Alight Rwanda’s work. Government officials, ambassadors, CEOs, private sector leaders and friends of Alight were all in attendance.
Jocelyn emphasized Alight’s strategy and showed appreciation for the incredible support from Rwanda’s government for over 3 decades.
3. ALIGHT Sudan East Darfur Program
Despite challenges, Alight Sudan’s East Darfur Program continues to be a light. Alight has been supporting internally displaced people and vulnerable host communities in East Darfur since 2016. Alight Sudan offers Healthcare & Nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Non-food items (NFI) and emergency shelter provision, Protection, Livelihood and Peace Building services.
Working closely with government departments like the State Water Corporation, Agriculture, and State Ministry of Health helps Alight serve people in 7 of the 9 areas in the state. We make sure that people get clean water, emergency shelter and hygiene kits in dire times. Our team monitors water quality and supply levels, and fixes water systems as needed.
We are building resilient communities. Most recently, Alight Sudan installed back-up generators and a solar power system to the Alghar Abu Sigan Water Yard in Abu Gabra. This will help the community cut costs and ensure safe water year round. The water supply facility serves more than 24,000 people.
4. Celebrating Community Impact Day with KPMG Global
Alight welcomed our new corporate partner KPMG Global to Alight’s office in Minneapolis for their Community Impact Day! KPMG provides audit, tax and advisory services to many of the world’s leading organizations.
Through their literacy foundation, we worked together to provide culturally relevant books for Afghan youth. With each beautifully wrapped book, a child will also receive an encouraging note from a volunteer and snacks to nibble on while getting lost in a great story.
While they were working, the KPMG team learned about Alight’s work with Welcome Corps. It’s a new way for Americans to help refugees who are looking for a safe, legal pathway to the U.S. This also helps Americans enrich their own communities. One group even came together to become a sponsor! Sponsorship is a life-changing opportunity to stand alongside as they bravely rebuild.
At least 75,000 Afghans have come to the United States since the summer of 2021. Alight started our Welcome Home program to set up human-centered homes for the new arrivals. These homes allow families to feel a sense of stability, protection, dignity, and joy. We co-created with Afghan families already living in Minnesota to stock over 130 homes with items that are important to their culture and religion. This made the new arrivals feel more comfortable and welcomed in their new homes.
Since then, we’ve continued to help our new Afghan neighbors. Alight started community programs and extra services to help families make friends and get used to living in Minnesota. KPMG has been a big supporter of our Welcome Home program and Afghan neighbors since the beginning, and we value their generosity and dedication.