At an elementary school that neighbors Nyabiheke, one of the refugee camps we work in, we’ve made some new friends. One of those friends is Aimable, the headmaster of the school.
Because of its proximity to the camp, Aimable has both refugee and Rwandan students. And he and the rest of the staff have their hands full when it comes to meeting everybody’s needs.
So, we thought we’d do a little something to help.
Aimable told us that one of their gaps is sports equipment. “Sports equipment because refugees and Rwandans play together. And when they are together they build solidarity, they share their lives and work together for each other,” he said.
We love finding new ways for kids to come together, so we decided on a tried and true idea – footballs for the school!
The children laughed and played right away. We even got to get in on the action, playing a little game of keep away with everyone.
Building community between the host and refugee community is so important. And we take every opportunity to play a role in strengthening the bonds between them.