Over the next month, we’re in Uganda with our longtime friend Zu!
Zu is no stranger to Uganda or refugees. Her parents are both refugees from Uganda who were resettled in the United States. She was born in the U.S., but has a special connection with her roots. She wanted to give back.
Zu works at Sweatshop Health Club in Minneapolis, and together they accomplished an amazing feat – raising enough funds to send Zu to do the doable with us in Nakivale Refugee Settlement for one whole month! And today is day one.
First, we met with the community of Rubondo, an isolated area of Nakivale. It’s the furthest into the settlement, making it difficult to access to many things.
During our meeting one of the neighbors brought up the idea of mango trees, and how they might add greenery, fruit, and opportunity to the community.
So the next day we returned with 360 mango trees! And we were greeted with such excitement and kindness.
“We appreciate you acting so fast,” said one community member. “Normally, when people come to listen, they do not act.”
People cradled their small trees. They talked excitedly about how they’ll grow and produce fruit, and sell it in the market.
This community’s delight is contagious. And tomorrow, we’ve got even more in store for them!