In an emergency situation like the one in Palabek, making sure that supplies don’t run out is always a challenge. But when it comes to helping expectant mothers give birth, having enough clean materials for a safe delivery is absolutely crucial.
“Mama Kits” are a one stop shop for all the supplies a doctor needs to deliver a healthy baby. But the maternity was running a bit low…so we stepped in to bridge the gap.
We gave over 100 kits to the maternity in Palabek! And our doctors were so relieved.
“The mama kits include everything for a safe delivery. We will be able to serve 100 mothers!” exclaimed Sharon, one of our partners.
The staff at the maternity clinic work so hard, and have to do amazing things for moms with very little Providing a stop gap until they get more in stock was something very doable. But for those 100 mothers and their babies, it could make all the difference.
This change made possible by Atomic Data.