“Taking an expecting mom’s blood pressure can save her life,” says Jackie, one of the nurses at the Bidi Bidi maternity clinic. “We can determine the services she needs, and if she needs more support.”
Jackie clearly knows that blood pressure can say a lot about a pregnant mom’s health – and, that there’s a lot on the line.
“If we need to escalate her level of care, we will,” said Jackie. “But we need the right tools to evaluate each case.”
Jackie was pretty passionate about blood pressure. But the surprising thing? There were no blood pressure cuffs at the clinic!
We got some blood pressure cuffs and equipment to two of the maternity clinics at Bidi Bidi. Now nurses like Jackie can accurately and safely do the assessments they need to do.
It can be stressful for both the health team and the patients themselves when they feel unequipped. Now they can keep that stress under wraps, which is good for everybody’s health.
This change made possible by Atomic Data.