Living with dignity means access to things that help you live and feel healthy. Casa de Luz was already making delicious and nutritious food, but access to getting regular exercise was a little bit trickier.
Some house members would go down to the beach and use some of the free, outdoor exercise equipment, but this option proves harder for LGBT people – particularly transgender and gender non-conforming residents – who often face harassment in public places.
This was a problem we could solve.
We set out to get gym equipment that works for many different types of exercise – the jump rope can be used for indoor cardio, weights for strength training, and a yoga ball and two mats for restorative exercise.
Seeing the exercise equipment spread a quick smile across some of the house members’ faces. As many of them spend most of their time at home, their new “gym” offers an alternative activity to do within the confines of the house – and stay fit at the same time.
Meet Steve! Steve is the Executive Director for ORAM, the Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration, and member of the Alight family of organizations. Before joining ORAM, Steve served as the Senior Director of Global Initiatives at Out & Equal, the biggest LGBT workplace inclusion non-profit. Steve also launched a non-profit, Alturi, which increases engagement by American donors to organizations improving the lives of LGBT people globally.