At the maternity clinic in Bidi Bidi, they have a power issue. The problem? Sometimes there isn’t any.
Not having power at the clinic has many ramifications. But one of the biggest is that there simply isn’t enough light. It goes without saying that without light, delivering a baby can be tricky. Sometimes the staff tries using flashlights, but that means sometimes holding the flashlight in their teeth as they multi-task to support mother and child.
We thought there had to be a better way.
How we can turn the lights back on? Solar power!
We gave a few solar powered lamps to the clinic and personal headlamps to the nurses – this way, everyone has a personal light they can bring with them, on the ready for when the power goes on.
No more balancing a flashlight in their teeth, no more searching around for batteries. And no more worrying about seeing their way through the dark.
Imagine a mom delivering her baby, and not being able to see their face clearly for the first time. And imagine a nurse, navigating her way through the dark as she tries her best to ensure that both mother and child make it through safely.
These solar lamps will put all that in the past – now everybody will be able to see what they need, when the time comes.
This change made possible by Atomic Data.