Exciting news from team Kuja Kuja! We’re happy to announce that Kuja Kuja has won the Service Design Award from CORE77! “The platform is the first of its kind and entirely public,” the award notes, “a bold move for a humanitarian organization working in such challenging conditions.”
Kuja Kuja is our real-time feedback system that tracks customers’ levels of satisfaction with products and services, records their ideas for how those services might be improved, and makes that data freely available for everyone to see and use.
Kuja Kuja is all about customer experience. And that’s why it’s such a thrill to be recognized in this category! Our service design was up against companies from the private sector and others. Southwest Airlines, for example, came in second!
This award is a recognition of just how strong our customer service is, and the steps we’re taking to transform Alight (formerly American Refugee Committee) into an organization fit for the 21st century. Great job to the Kuja Kuja team!