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    Helping one elderly couple find a home

    Day 272

    Home at Last

    Being forced to flee your home is traumatic, no matter your age. But when you’re not quite as nimble as you used to be, being torn from one home to another becomes a major physical challenge.

    One Rohingya refugee we met is 100 years old. He fled his home in Myanmar, but the journey was difficult. He has trouble walking and needed to be carried as they fled. Once he arrived at the refugee camp, he thought he was in a place where he could rest.

    But now, a road is scheduled to be built through his new home. He needs to move again.

    This man and his wife are extremely vulnerable – with both of them having physical limitations, they needed a new home – out of the way of the road – soon.

    This was something we could handle.

    We built the couple a new house, bigger and much more soundly constructed than their current shelter.

    They’re safe now, in a home that was built to last.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


    Changemakers 365 members give either $30 per month or a one-time gift of $365 (it’s free for anyone who has ever lived in a refugee camp). Join us!

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