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    Helping teachers at Kismayo’s Youth Center stay hydrated

    Day 77

    Glass Half Full

    The Youth Center in Kismayo supports hundreds of young former refugees get back on their feet. They offer so much
    IT classes, sewing classes, traditional dancing, you name it. But all those activities take a lot of work to plan and organize.

    The center’s teachers are the ones who hold it all together.
    Most of them volunteer their time and energy to helping young people learn – they believe in a bright future for these kids. For Day 77, we wanted to do something to help make the center just a little easier place to teach and give back.

    During the dry season, Kismayo is hot – and dry. And with safe drinking water sometimes difficult to come by, many people just simply don’t stay hydrated. During long days of teaching, this can be tough.

    One thing we could do to help out seemed simple – get these teachers some water!

    We installed water coolers in each teacher’s office. Now, a clean, cool glass of water is only a few steps away.

    These teachers play such a vital role in building their community, inspiring young people, and shaping Kismayo to be the place they want it to be. This was a small way to support the big dreams they’re working to achieve, each and every day.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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