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    Another round of tidying up

    Day 14

    Getting Organized

    It’s amazing what a weight is lifted when things are simply organized. Less clutter, less mess – less stress. And in already high stress situations, everything you can do to stay on top of it is key.

    There are so many moving parts at the shelter in San Diego where we’ve spent the last few days. It can be tough to keep things organized and efficient.

    On Day 12, we started in on the problem. Today is round two.

    We purchased four more shelving racks and organizing tubs for the donation room, dispersing the piled-up items that now rest neatly on the shelves.

    We also helped lend an organizing eye to the space, helping the staff think through the process. We created an inventory checklist, personal shopper checklist for volunteers, and labeling templates for donations bags.

    Rosie, who oversees the donation area, was so grateful for the extra hand. “We receive so many donations, and often it’s unclear what is in the bags. So, we have to sort through them all over again. Having labels will help us so much when it arrives.”

    The team at the shelter simply doesn’t have time to stop and organize. But with a few simple changes, the donation area went from a place of chaos to order – leaving the staff better able to tackle whatever might come next.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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