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    Matching makes a difference

    Day 174

    Finally Recognized

    Coach Skye coaches three basketball teams in Nakivale Refugee Settlement – a men’s team, women’s team and a kids’ team. One of the most difficult things he has to tell them is when they can’t play in tournaments or games against other teams outside the settlement because they don’t have the equipment needed.

    “You need to have matching jerseys and shorts,” said Skye. “Or other teams don’t want to play against you.”

    Coach Skye and his men’s team would like to eventually host teams on a completed basketball court in Nakivale. But until then they’ll settle for just being allowed to compete. So, on June 20, the men’s basketball team ran alongside other youth in the World Refugee Day 5k to raise money for matching jerseys and equipment.

    On Day 174, with their goal reached, we were able to deliver Coach Skye and his team some new basketballs and the matching white jerseys they’d been waiting for. They plan to play in their brand-new uniforms for the first time on June 30, when they play to a large hometown crowd in Nakivale for the occasion of Congolese Independence Day. “We’re excited we’ll be looking like a real team!”

    A special thanks to everyone who supported the Nakivale men’s basketball team, including: Caren McElhenny, Kelly & Drew O’Laughlin, Jeff & Rhonda McCabe, Kimarie Weisbrodt, and Jennifer Lien.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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