We’re spending another day doing the doable with Casa Arcoiris, an LGBT migrant house in the heart of Tijuana. Today, we’ve focusing on getting everyone here a good night’s rest.
The residents of the house live in a dorm-room style, with bunk beds tucked against the walls and a little bit of room in the middle for people to walk. We were happy to be able to fund the construction of several bunk beds when we met with Casa Arcoiris the first time in September.
Living in such close quarters can be hard, but the residents all seem to take it in stride.
But, some of the beds have bugs. We weren’t sure if they were bed bugs or fleas, but as soon as they showed up in one room, they started to spread. It was uncomfortable for the residents using these beds – something we couldn’t even imagine having to deal with long-term.
Now that the counters had been fixed and floors repaired, making it harder for other insects to make the house their home, we decided to have everything fumigated to deal with the remaining bugs.
The housemates seemed to be more than happy to leave for a few hours to let this happen, knowing that when they returned, their beds would be a little more comfortable.
A bit thanks to ORAM for making this change possible!
Meet Steve! Steve is the Executive Director for ORAM, the Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration, and member of the Alight family of organizations. Before joining ORAM, Steve served as the Senior Director of Global Initiatives at Out & Equal, the biggest LGBT workplace inclusion non-profit. Steve also launched a non-profit, Alturi, which increases engagement by American donors to organizations improving the lives of LGBT people globally.