The Health Center in Ariwa has seen some major changes over the past few days. From a new ceiling, to a fresh coat of paint, to new sheets and pillows for the post-natal ward, this clinic is looking and serving patients better than ever.
So for our final day at the Health Center, we decided to share this big change with the community. Opening the doors of the Health Center to nearby leaders, key partners, and the community at large, we celebrated this new beginning together.
Speakers from the local government, the District Health Office, and officials from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) joined along with the leaders of the refugee villages of Ariwa.
Those gathered were excited to see the changes. “These women have been delivering at home,” said Katherine, a refugee leader for her neighborhood in Ariwa. “Now we will tell them there is a better place.”
Grace, another refugee leader, echoed Katherine. “For me I feel very nice because this project is now helping us as women. This can help women who are pregnant. They will feel exactly like they are at home.”
Ken Reibe is a native Minnesotan working for UNHCR in Bidi Bidi. When everyone was gathered, he spoke highly of the changes the team was able to make. And as a Minnesotan, he felt an unexpected connection between Bidi Bidi and home. “This is the kind of effort that is needed, bringing people together from all walks of life to get these things accomplished,” Ken said. “Speaking personally, I am so proud to be a Minnesotan. To know that this kind of initiative is coming from Minnesota is really wonderful.”
The leaders toasted the fixed ceiling, new paint, and new equipment over sodas, cheering on the Ariwa Health Team.
“We are happy for the support you have offered us,” Florence said. Florence is the Manager of the Maternity Ward. “If you had seen it before you would not believe it in this state. I believe this support will help us to improve the support we give to our patients.”
With the Health Center wrapped, we’re turning our attention to the next doable thing in Bidi Bidi. Tune in tomorrow to see what’s next!