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    Making meals at the Youth Center a little easier

    Day 84

    Cooking up Confidence

    When young people come to the Youth Center in Kismayo, they often stay all day – taking classes, reading in the library, and getting to know each other. And if you know any teenagers, you know that they have unending appetites. But unlike most schools, the center doesn’t have an official cafeteria.

    Any meals at the center are prepared by a few people who offer their time , energy, and sometimes even tools from home to cook meals for the 150 students who visit each day.

    We thought they could use a little help.

    For Day 84, we got these young cooks brand new utensils and kitchen supplies – enough to make their work a little easier.

    “This will really help a lot,” said Zaila from the ARC team. “That we’re able to give this to them will mean so much. We’re saying that we see their work and want to support them how we can.”

    Now, the ravenous teenagers who visit the center can rest a little easier, knowing that the right cooking utensils are readily available. And, the amazing cooks who prepare them can work with the tools they deserve, helping keep these kids on the right track to their future.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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