At the core of our Alight values is the belief in the sacredness of each human being. We believe to be human is to be wondrous. And we believe that each of us comes into the world with a gift. And it is in the giving of that gift that we and our communities become whole. On Monday, the 25th of May George Floyd was killed by police, and we as a community lost a gift. And a family lost someone they loved.
To George Floyd’s family, friends, and neighbors we offer our sadness and our grief. You suffer this loss and injustice deeply. We wish you strength, resilience, and hopefully one day a measure of peace.
As an organization we live and work in places experiencing violence. Places shaken by war, disaster, and terrible conflict. We know something of what it is like to live with brutality. And we have learned the value of leaning on community. We rely on each other. We work with refugees, in fact many of us are refugees, and stand with each other every day. We do the doable, we choose optimism (even when it is the darkest), and whenever we can we try to spark joy. We also believe in bravely being better.
Today as a community we have arrived at a moment to make this choice. To bravely be better. We can listen to each other and create space for each other. We can truly value each person who shares this city with us. We can live in a manner worthy of ourselves. As an organization we work around the world. Yet it is Minnesota that we call home. We’re hopeful our Minneapolis community will come together to wrestle with this terrible tragedy… to do the necessary work of justice, healing and changing. Local groups and organizations have already begun convening neighbors and engaging the community in meaningful and productive conversation and action. I’ve included information on two of those events below.
We encourage everyone to be good to one another in this extremely challenging time. And as always, our door is open at Alight for your ideas or concerns.
Your neighbor,
Daniel Wordsworth (CEO) and the Alight Family
Thursday, May 28
If you have a few moments, consider calling in, sharing your thoughts, and listening to others at KRSM – 98.9 FM: 612-208-3808. Make sure to tune in between 6-9 p.m. today for ongoing coverage from our Southside neighbors—over the airwaves in South Minneapolis at 98.9 FM, and streaming live at
Urban League – Twin Cities
ULTC Presents: Real Talk – Friday, May 29
You can learn more and register here: