A Book Bus, Sports Gear, and School Supplies for Kids in Pakistan For our Pakistan team, education has been the top priority for years. With one of the highest populations of out-of-school children in the world, Pakistan’s young people need more avenues to see and unleash their potential. … [Read more...] about Keeping the Wheels Turning
Community Meal & Film Premiere – A Little Piece of Home
Join us to virtually cross borders, connect communities, and share our dreams as we break bread together. On Saturday, February 6, 2021, Burners Without Borders and Alight are kicking off, Pedacito de la Tierra … [Read more...] about Community Meal & Film Premiere – A Little Piece of Home
Alight Board of Directors Announces Interim President & CEO
Alight's Board of Directors has appointed John Gappa, former Chair of Alight’s Board, to support our incredible global teams and subsidiary organizations as interim Chief Executive Officer. … [Read more...] about Alight Board of Directors Announces Interim President & CEO
5 Things We’re Excited about in 2021
A Message From Alight’s Board
Dear Members of the Alight Family, Our hearts were heavy as we learned of Daniel’s resignation as CEO of Alight. But as he warmly explains in his letter, he has concluded that now is the time to return to Australia and take the reins of an international humanitarian organization which has sought his leadership. We are full of gratitude for all Daniel has contributed, for all the good that has been accomplished during his tenure, and for the strong and resilient organization that is Alight. As his letter outlines so well, Alight has never been stronger, never been more effective, never been better positioned, and never had a deeper knowledge of what we are and what we are called to do. Although Daniel has led us, it is collective effort that has made all these successes possible. Please join us in conveying to Daniel our collective thanks and our warmest wishes for fulfillment in this new adventure back home. And please join us as we move Alight towards its … [Read more...] about A Message From Alight’s Board
Extraordinary Care
Ever since he was six years old, Dr. Johnny knew he wanted to be a doctor. “I visited my uncle, who was serving patients in the rural areas of Eastern Congo, and I saw how he was treating his patients. I loved the way he was dedicated to them. And I said, ‘I want to be like you.’ I want to help people in my community by treating them.” A couple decades later and many years of medical training under his belt, Dr. Johnny has stayed true to his word. Today he’s the perfect fit to lead the team at Asili. “As the Medical Coordinator, one of my goals is to make sure patients across all four Asili clinics, even in the poorest areas, have access to high quality levels of healthcare,” and where “even my kids, everyone’s kids, can be treated.” Growing up in Eastern Congo, Dr. Johnny knows just how critical this really is. And launching the Asili overnight stay service is a big part of that. Yesterday, we helped get the new overnight stay service off the ground with a prelaunch … [Read more...] about Extraordinary Care