“When we left South Sudan, we didn’t even think about baby clothes,” said a young couple living in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. The proud parents of three month old twins, they ran from South Sudan before the twins were even born. And now, the babies don’t have enough clothes to cover up. “Babies here need clothes to protect them from the cold, dust, mosquitoes, and other threats of nature,” said Joseph, an ARC team member. He knows that the first few months of life can be precarious for infants in the settlement. It can be a troubling time for families. There are many babies in Bidi Bidi that don’t have enough clothes to keep warm on the surprisingly chilly nights. So for Day 83, we’re taking a small step to provide extra clothes to these little ones. We first approached women who had fled from South Sudan before giving birth. They were the most in need, using anything they could to cover their babies. “This is a gesture of love and care,” said Lillian, an ARC … [Read more...] about Babies Need Warmth
Starting a Business
If you’ve ever started your own business, you know that it takes a lot of work. And time. And energy. And even your own capital. Now imagine that in an instant, all that was pulled out from under you - and you were forced to begin again in a new place. How would you get started? “In Sudan, we owned businesses,” said Dina, the leader of a group of women in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. “But now? We own zero.” She’s brought together women who have the gift of using their hands to make beautiful things, like necklaces, clothes, bags, and more. But they were missing the materials to practice their handicrafts. Jamal – an ARC volunteer in Bidi Bidi – wanted to do something to help. So for Day 82 we sat down with them and came up with a list of things they needed. Things that will help them to start a new chapter in their lives. The women knew exactly what they wanted – beads, thread, scissors, and fabric. So we gathered the materials and went to meet the group. They were … [Read more...] about Starting a Business
Common Ground
A soccer match can be so much more than a game. It’s a way to unite. To connect on common ground. It’s a time to leave your worries behind. To have fun. Our volunteers in Bidi Bidi know the incredible power of sports to bring people together. And they had two particular groups in mind they thought could benefit from increased camaraderie – newly arrived refugees from South Sudan, and the Ugandans who are hosting them in their country. This can sometimes be a contentious relationship. But, said Festo, an ARC volunteer, “I want them to see each other as worthy players.” He knew this lesson could apply both on and off the field. So on Day 81, we held a match. The team gathered new soccer balls, water, snacks, and even some equipment for the referees. And then they were off. Flashes of red jerseys darted across the field, brows furrowed in concentration, and the crowd cheered as goals were blocked – and made. It was only one game. But in those 90 minutes, something … [Read more...] about Common Ground
An Open Book
Can you remember your favorite childhood book? The one you made your mom or dad read to you every night? For children around the world, the love of reading begins with a great book in their hands. There are no children's books in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. Kids can’t instantly be transported into imaginary worlds, learn about people and places a continent away, or share a special moment with loved ones as they fall asleep. So, what needed to happen was pretty simple – let’s get these kids books! We filled backpacks with books, so that during house visits our volunteers could pass them out, creating a sort of traveling library. And when we sat down to read with kids, their eyes lit up - they crowded around. “What’s a dinosaur?” asked one child, reading a book about the ancient creatures. They had never heard of such a thing before. So our team got to explaining what exactly a dinosaur was. They were already learning. At one house, when the team got into … [Read more...] about An Open Book
Dreaming Big
There are lots of dreamers in refugee camps – people who have big plans for their future. And in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, some of these dreamers have one particular goal in mind – raising chickens. Suzan, one of ARC’s volunteers in Bidi Bidi, has been working with a group of women and men in the camp who want to create a chicken cooperative. “I want chickens because they will help me in some good ways,” explained Simon, the leader of the group. “I can sell eggs. I can eat the meat. I can sell the chickens.” Simon and his group have a lot of confidence in their vision. But, they also had one big problem – they didn’t have any chickens to kick start their dream. On Day 79, Suzan and the team set out to get them what they need. The team found some chicken feed in the closest nearby town and bussed it back to Bidi Bidi. They went house to house looking for chickens that people might sell. And when they returned, they found a surprise – the group was ready. They built a … [Read more...] about Dreaming Big
More for Mamas
Mothers everywhere want the best for their children. And that's no different in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, where we work to help mothers provide for their kids. But we also realize that this work starts before a child is even born. “When women are pregnant, both the mother and child are vulnerable,” says Lilian, a volunteer with ARC in Bidi Bidi. “They live in distant areas, far from the health center. Sometimes something can happen to her and she needs support.” That’s where Mama Kits come in. For Day 78, Lilian and her team wanted to provide Mama Kits for some of the most vulnerable women in Bidi Bidi – those who are close to giving birth in the far reaches of the settlement. Designed for pregnant women, these kits have everything they might need in case they deliver far from a clinic – a plastic tarp, soap, a sterile knife for cutting the umbilical chord, cotton and first aid materials, and some instructions in case a trained professional cannot be there. All … [Read more...] about More for Mamas
Creativity is Key
Having an outlet for self-expression is something that many of us take for granted. And at Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda, those opportunities come few and far between. Especially for kids. “When mothers come see me, they often bring their children,” says Doreen, one of ARC’s volunteers who works at our community help desks in Bidi Bidi. “But many times they don’t have much to do. They don’t have an outlet. So sometimes they just end up fighting.” So Doreen had an idea. What if we could provide a space for self-expression - for creative fun - right there at the help desks? That way, kids have the rare opportunity to express themselves through art and play, and moms have a chance to speak freely to Doreen – to tell her what they need. So today, we’re making Doreen’s idea happen – and bringing some kid-friendly creativity to Bidi Bidi. The ARC team gathered together musical instruments – tambourines, claves, and guiros – some kid-size chairs, a rug, brightly … [Read more...] about Creativity is Key
Facing a Challenge
There are so many challenges for women and girls in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. And the reality for these women – and for millions of women around the world – is that monthly periods are one of those hurdles, another challenge they must struggle to manage. This is a big problem that our teams are working to solve. But for Day 76, we’re taking a small first step toward making this time just a little easier on women in Bidi Bidi – by getting them reusable sanitary pads. AFRIpads makes unique, cost-effective sanitary pads made of cloth, designed to last over one year of use. Knowing the huge impact that these pads could have on the people we serve, our team met with members of AFRIpads - and we teamed up to distribute 200 pads to the most vulnerable women in the community. Selena is one of those women. Injured while fleeing conflict in South Sudan, she not only didn’t have any sanitary pads of her own, she also didn’t have anything to wash the reusable cloth pads we … [Read more...] about Facing a Challenge
The Road to Wellness
Malaria is a real problem in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. In fact, 25% of all patients who visit health clinics in Bidi Bidi are suffering from the illness. Dr. Arslan Malik is on ARC’s emergency response team. He knows that there are certain things that can go a long way in helping to prevent malaria, like using mosquito nets at night. But, he says, there’s a catch. “The people here are not really getting any mosquito nets. When I was talking with communities, this was something they really wanted.” When asked for his idea, Dr. Malik knew straight away what he would like to do – get the most vulnerable people in Bidi Bidi mosquito nets. Jeannette is one of the women who received a net. Although she’s on her own, her neighbors pitch in to take care of her. She doesn’t have much, but what she does have, she appreciates deeply. So when the team approached her with the gift of a mosquito net, she was all smiles. … [Read more...] about The Road to Wellness
How Sweet It Is
Kalisum is one of ARC’s volunteers in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. And all day long, she works at a community help desk, talking with refugees – mainly women – about what they’ve gone through. About what they need. About how she can help. Sometimes, Kalisum can help these people right away, and sometimes she can’t. And when it takes a while to get the resources that someone might night, she feels badly. She doesn’t want them to leave empty handed – she wants them to know that she cares. So Kalisum had an idea. What if after a meeting with a mother, father, or family, she gave them a special treat to take home? Just a small gesture of goodwill and kindness? That, she thought, could make all the difference. So for Day 74, we’re getting Kalisum some candy. Candy is difficult to find in Bidi Bidi - so a sweet treat is a luxury. It can put a smile on someone’s face, which is especially meaningful for women who have been through so much heartache. Once the ARC team … [Read more...] about How Sweet It Is