During their meetings, Girls for Africa uses books that help the group talk about sensitive subjects. They help the girls feel more comfortable opening up, participating, and sharing their experiences. And they teach ways to deal with specific issues they face every day. But they're also expensive. The leaders of GFA work full time jobs and are full time students, yet they usually piece together enough cash to purchase them one by one. This time around, we thought we'd step in and give some support that will help lift them into the future. We ordered the books through the One Circle Foundation and shipped them to their homes. And the leaders began using them right away - yesterday in fact, the very first meeting of 2018! "I'm looking forward to being able to get into the deeper topics like drugs, alcohol and coping mechanisms," said Nya. Sheran was over the moon excited about the new curriculum. "Wow we got that many new books?!" she said. "Can't wait to start programming … [Read more...] about An Open Book
A Clinic for All
NOAH, North Omaha Area Health Services, provides free and reduced priced medical services. That includes healthy living programs, support groups for things like diabetes and weight loss, counseling, and testing for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Two of the Girls for Africa leaders are in nursing school and have interned at NOAH. They've experienced the ins and outs of the clinic and know how important it is in serving the community. The girls also know that the clinic struggles with funding - sometimes it's not easy to get the supplies they need. So the girls wanted to give back in a way that would help NOAH feel confident in reaching more people - medical supplies. “Medical supplies are the backbone of our operation here at NOAH," said Shomari, NOAH'S Program and Outreach Coordinator. "We reach out to our community to bring them in for health screenings. Without our supplies, we wouldn’t be able to provide them with accurate information about their health.” … [Read more...] about A Clinic for All
A Special Treat
The leaders of Girls for Africa know many members of the South Sudanese and larger Omaha community. So when we were in town, they suggested that we help two families in particular that were going through a difficult time. These Somali and South Sudanese families have 8 and 10 children each, and we wanted to show them a little extra support, especially for the kids. Girls for Africa compiled a list of these family's great needs. And then we set out to shop! We went up and down each aisle of Walmart to select a personal gift for everyone – legos, dolls, toy animals, remote control cars, art materials, science kits, sporting equipment, wallets, and cozy socks and pants to stay warm in the winter. When we arrived, the children jumped up and down with joy, hugging their gifts tight and opening them up right away. Abdulmalik is 16-years old His two older brothers were out playing soccer when we arrived at their home, and we learned that Abdulmalik wanted nothing more … [Read more...] about A Special Treat
Shelter from the Storm
There are hundreds of homeless youth in Omaha. And many of them have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused, making it unsafe for them to return home. Without proper support and guidance, these vulnerable adolescents cannot succeed independently, and will likely fall into the cycle of homelessness as adults. Youth Emergency Services (YES) helps these youth in crisis get back on their feet in whatever way possible. Their services range from basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and safety, to helping youth find ways to flourish. Girls for Africa had heard of the YES Emergency Shelter and, knowing how challenging it can be growing without many resources, they wanted to help. Many of the youth at the YES Shelter end up there after running away or getting kicked out of their home. It can be a traumatic experience, and they often bring little to nothing with them. So the girls wanted to help ease their transition by providing them with some essential household … [Read more...] about Shelter from the Storm
A Message of Love
Most of the girls in Girls for Africa are first-generation South Sudanese from refugee families. They're very connected to their home country and culture, but have never been to South Sudan. And because of the conflict happening there, they unfortunately may not get the opportunity for a while. Through working with ARC, the girls have learned a ton about our work on the ground in South Sudan. And they wanted to find a way to show our team and the people we serve some appreciation for everything they do, and encouragement too. So for Day 10, we got everyone together for a card writing get-together to show our teams some love! The girls wanted to tell our South Sudanese teams that they understand the challenging environments they work in, that they appreciate their dedication to serving others, and that they hope to get the chance to meet them nad work alongside them one day! “I would like to say I’m so proud of how strong you guys are," said Nyaruch of Girls for … [Read more...] about A Message of Love
All in the Family
Caring for your family is incredibly important in South Sudanese culture. But sometimes, refugee families have a tough time making ends meet, making that care painfully difficult. So for Day 9, we're helping two girls in Omaha support their loved ones in a way they can be proud of. Nyalat and Nyabuom - both members of Girls for Africa – have close family members who are ill. Several months ago, Nyalat’s dad suffered a stroke and lost his ability to speak. He's now living in a nursing home in West Omaha, where Nyalat and her family visit him daily. Nyabuom’s uncle had kidney failure and was awaiting a liver transplant for over a year. Fortunately, just last week, he was given a transplant and underwent surgery. He's recently returned home to recover. Nyalat and Nyabuom wanted to do something special for their dad and uncle to let them know that they're in their hearts and minds. Together, they brainstormed items to make their loved ones more comfortable as they heal – … [Read more...] about All in the Family
Pedal to the Metal
Yesterday, together with Girls for Africa, we focused on families who could use a little extra boost in putting together a big meal for the whole family. And today, we’re turning our attention to women who are facing especially tough challenges – single mothers. Many South Sudanese moms work in factories in Iowa, often driving over an hour to work. Gas gets very expensive. So the Girls for Africa crew wanted to do something nice and useful for them. Something to make their lives just a little easier – a gift card for gas. The girls are lucky to have so many female mentors in their lives. They each nominated one woman – who wasn’t their own mom – who has had a big impact on their lives but who may be struggling. They wrote down their nominees on a piece of paper and one by one, read them aloud to the group and described that woman. The girls chose teachers, mothers of friends, and other role models in the community. Then they wrote nice notes to their nominee, packaged the … [Read more...] about Pedal to the Metal
A Home Cooked Meal
The girls of Girls for Africa – a mentorship and empowerment group based in Omaha – know well the struggles that their parents face to provide the best lives they can. And during the winter season, it can be especially tough to make ends meet, especially piecing together a home-cooked meal. So for Day 7, we helped them make sure that refugee families living in Omaha have at least one meal together during these difficult times. Their idea? Creating a meal kit with all the necessary ingredients for them to prepare and share a meal. Together with the Girls for Africa crew, we purchased and put the meals together at the nearby Refugee Empowerment Center. Then, they delivered them to low-income families they knew could use them the most. The families got mac and cheese, canned corn, meat, canned green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a cookie mix. The girls added a little extra touch to the meal kits, a blue ribbon - the Girls for Africa color. “Families get to eat all … [Read more...] about A Home Cooked Meal
Warm for Winter
Yesterday’s toy drive was a great success. So the crew from Girls for Africa decided to find yet another way of supporting the South Sudanese community in Omaha. Many South Sudanese parents work long hours seven days a week, supporting large families, and without much disposable income. The girls wanted to gift them with something small and unexpected, yet important, during the winter season. So for Day 6, we helped them kickstart drive number two – for winter clothing! The winter season is well upon us, and many families had a big need for things to stay warm. So the girls purchased jackets, boots, socks, hats, gloves and scarves for their winter clothing drive. We transported everything to the Refugee Empowerment Center and organized them on tables for community members to see. “Winter clothing is not something that our parents would prioritize or buy for themselves. They just simply wouldn’t,” said Elizabeth, one of the Girls for Afria leaders. “So this is our way of … [Read more...] about Warm for Winter
Toys for All
The girls of Girls for Africa had a very long list of ways they wanted to give back to their community in Omaha. Yesterday, we took care one of the things on their list – showing some love to kids and their families at the hospital. Next? A toy drive for kids. Many South Sudanese parents in Omaha work long hours, seven days a week and can’t afford to buy toys. The girls wanted to bring them some extra joy by organizing a drive where their kids could come and pick out the toys that they wanted. So for Day 5, that’s just what we did! You might not be surprised to learn that the kids were absolutely ecstatic! As each family arrived, their eyes widened in joy – so many toys, too little time! The little ones took their toys and started playing with them right away. The toy drive was such fun for everyone involved. For the Girls for Africa crew, it was a good leadership opportunity, a time to flex both their fundraising muscles and their organizational acumen. And for … [Read more...] about Toys for All