An important part of our work is making sure that all members of the community are included. Everyone’s voice matters, and everyone’s invited!
In the case of the Oruchinga Refugee Settlement, whether you’re a newly arrived Congolese refugee or life-long Ugandan resident, we want you to be a part of the conversation.
We’ve spent the last thirty days supporting the food security and livelihoods of both refugees and host community members. Today, we’re especially interested in thanking the host community for all that they’ve done to welcome refugees into their community.
So, we decided to target some other host community groups, and were able to give three groups five piglets, similarly to what we did with the refugee groups we met yesterday!
One community member, Anthony told us this: “We’re hoping to use the pigs to inspire and encourage others to start other similar groups. Once they see the success of ours, they’ll want to do the same.”
Yvonne was equally pleased. She said, “the pigs you have given us will give birth again in eight months and have about four babies. After the piglets are born, we will get money to pay school fees for our children. We hope to have enough money to keep expanding—to add a roof to the pigsty, to add a trough for food, build a bigger house for pigs.”