Meet the women of Red Rama. Sisters Veronica, Claudia, Carmela and more have banded together to stop human trafficking, which plagues their communities in El Salvador where they work.
These Catholic Sisters form a network of advocates, supporters, and friends who provide safe havens for the most marginalized and vulnerable people in the region.
The Red Rama ladies jump in wherever they’re needed to help those in need. So for Day 190, we’re helping them for a change – with the tools needed to reach even more.
Sometimes the best tools are the simplest – like a printer and computer! So we took Carmela and her comrades shopping to find the best tech tools to suit their needs.
Staying connected and having resources at their fingertips is perhaps the most important thing these women can do to maximize their impact. Having their very own computer will make it that much easier to do what they do even more powerfully.
How will they use their new tools?
“For so much!” said Carmela. “We can print newsletters. Brochures. Things that the people we work with need. Anything! The world will be at our fingertips.”