We’re leveraging our long-standing presence throughout the country to respond to the devastating explosion.
The fatal explosion in Beirut, Lebanon earlier this week has left hundreds dead, thousands injured, and over 250,000 homeless—all in an instant. Massive destruction and devastation reached from the epicenter of the blast to over 15 miles away, leaving people, their livelihoods, and their homes destroyed.
Alight is responding. Alongside our partner Questscope—who has deep roots in Lebanon—we’re working to provide shelter in the aftermath of the blast. Our #1 priority is to help families recover, regroup and rebuild.
Questscope has worked in the region for over 30 years – and we’ve worked together since 2015. Now, as partners we’re officially launching a joint call to action for a fundraising campaign to support domestic rebuilding initiatives for those affected by the explosion. The organizations will utilize Questscope’s rich relationships throughout Lebanon to implement a robust and rapid response to this crisis. You can donate here: https://classic.wearealight.org/beirut
“Questscope has deep roots in Beirut that go back to the early 1980s. We’ve seen the Lebanese people overcome the most difficult circumstances over the years. And now they will rebuild, brick by brick, as they always do,” says Curt Rhodes, Founder and International Director of Questscope. “We stand beside them as they begin to restore their homes, their city, and their futures for themselves and for their children.”
“Hundreds of thousands of people were made instantly homeless as a result of the explosion in the Beirut harbor, and likely four times that number will have homes that are now in unstable buildings or without doors and windows,” adds Dr. Mowafak Yafi, a Questscope board member that lives in Beirut.
Through the support of Questscope and Alight, Dr. Yafi will be organizing channels for implementing assistance to people to restore their homes. Questscope has a robust and extended history with planning and construction partners throughout Lebanon that provide services such as housing and building repairs, and basic infrastructure restoration. These longstanding relationships ensure accountability in project delivery and fiscal integrity.
“Crisis is yet again bringing people together” says Daniel Wordsworth, CEO of Alight. “From this terrible tragedy, people are already rallying and supporting one another. Neighbors to neighbors, strangers to strangers. I know this abundance of the human spirit and expressions of support from thousands of miles away will help Beirut communities rebuild and regain their strength and vibrance.”
To learn more about Questscope, please visit www.questscope.org. And click here to donate.