The Cleaning Team is a group of about 15 Rohingya men who were hired to clean the area of the camp where they live. It’s a job they take pride and find purpose in. People look up to them as leaders in their community.
But while they’ve banded together through this work, they don’t have any type of visible connections that show who they are and what they do.
So we asked them what type of items they’d want to wear to help unify and identify them. Their answer? Arsenal jerseys.
The soccer team is so popular that it wasn’t too difficult to find some Arsenal jerseys sold at the local market!
The Cleaning Team members have earned trust in the community – what we realized is that the visibility of the team members allowed others to seek help as needed.
They were so happy to get their jerseys. They were eager to put them on and pose for photos!
The jerseys allowed for recognition of their consistent and reliable work, but they were also a visible reminder to others – they know to approach for help, who they can trust.