The work of Heal Africa is well-known in Eastern Congo. They’ve been pioneers in healthcare, particularly for women healing from sexual violence in Eastern Congo, for decades now.
They have a huge medical complex in Goma, housing everything from surgeries to primary healthcare support to even community activities like karate classes for kids. They do a lot outside of the complex, too, like their Ebola prevention program in rural areas, which our partners at Eastern Congo Initiative support.
We sat down with Daniel, one of the Program Managers at Heal Africa. And he talked about thinking toward the long term. “We want to invest in projects that help not just in the short term,” he said, “but in the long term as well.”
One of these long term projects they’ve been dreaming of is setting up an office supply store at their medical complex in Goma.
“We want to create something that supports all the departments here, and that they can go to easily,” he said. “Because right now people run out of supplies all the time and it’s always a problem we have to solve.”
This idea had 365 written all over it!
We decided to invest in the startup materials for this “office supply store” with the hopes that the Heal Africa team will then be able to roll those profits into replenishing their stock.
“This addresses the issue of shortage,” said Daniel. “And allows everyone to continue their work.”
Photos by Lens on Life photographers, Operation Goma (DRC): Ngoa Kamundu Kennedy and Basizi Michel