For months now, volunteer guards at our community help desks in Bidi Bidi having been dedicating their time and energy to keeping our team and their refugee customers safe. They stand in the rain – and the subsequent mud. They stand guard in the dark. They keep their eyes out for creepy crawlers, like scorpions and ants, which can be difficult to see at night. They get help in emergencies.
These guards are our first line of defense in case something goes wrong. And – they’re all volunteers. They saw a need and decided that they have the time to help.
So for Day 88, we’re returning the favor.
The ARC team put together a kit for the guards, with gum boots, a rain jacket, flashlight, and a cell phone for emergencies. The things they need to stay dry, see at night, and protect themselves against the things they don’t want crawling up their legs.
“The gum boot is very important because there are very many scorpions here,” said Joseph, one of the volunteer guards. He’s even been stung once or twice.
These guards have a tough job. But they haven’t complained – in fact, they keep showing up, volunteering their time, because they know how crucial security is at the community help desks.
“The help desks are important because if anybody has any problems they can come and talk here,” said Joseph. And he’s right – people need to feel safe when they’re talking with us, when they’re reaching out for help. This is just a small step to thank the people who make sure that happens, each and every day.