There are no book stores or libraries in Kismayo. So for people who love to read and learn, this is a problem.
The Youth Center, run by the ARC team, supports hundreds of kids who are passionate about learning – and especially about learning English. But there just aren’t any English books readily available.
That’s where we come in. For Day 78, we’re getting the Youth Center an infusion of new English books, helping these kids learn a little easier.
Fatima is a young English student – she’s been learning for about a year – and, she says, it’s going pretty well. “The farther you go to advance English, the more difficult it gets!”
But, Fatima knows that excelling in language skills is key. “I’m learning English for my future life,” she said. “I want to get a good job.”
We got the Youth Center boxes filled with English books, brought from Mogadishu. Now, they’ll have a stack of books to pull from, supporting students like Fatima who are voracious learners.
“I just want to create a better life for myself,” she said. “I want to make all my dreams come true through education.”
And with some more books –and great teachers! – to guide her, she’s well on her way.