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    Remembering those who make peace possible

    Day 65

    Weaving Together

    Oruchinga is a small refugee settlement, nestled within towns where native Ugandans live. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell the refugee settlement apart from local communities. But the ability of refugees to live safely in Uganda depends so much on these host communities – in many ways, they make opportunity and peace possible.

    We found out about one incredible group of Ugandan women who live near Oruchinga. They’ve banded together, joining forces to kickstart some entrepreneurial projects. We sat down with these women, and they told us about their dreams – and the things they needed to achieve them.

    So for the next few days, we’re helping them reach their dreams just a little bit faster. And we’re starting with baskets.

    “Most of these women depend on farming – that’s where they get their livelihood,” said Jennifer from the ARC team. But to make sure their families get the things they need, like education and nutritious food, they need something to supplement that income.

    That’s where the baskets come in. For a while now, the ladies have been making colorful, woven baskets to sell to passersby – their workshop is right off a main road. “But the materials are very expensive,” said Jennifer. “The cost of transportation to get to town itself is a hurdle, and the time spent getting the materials means time away from their farms.”

    So we decided to give the group a head start – by getting them $500 worth of basket-making materials!

    We brought a couple of the women to town with us to buy the supplies, so they could pick out the exact colors they wanted. And when we presented it to the rest of the group, the ladies were absolutely thrilled!

    “Now, they can build up their inventory and start selling in bigger quantities,” said Jennifer. “Then they’ll have the capital to get more materials when the time comes. They can save for things like their children’s education. They are so happy!”

    This change was made possible by generous support from Latitude Realty.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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