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    Thanking the team at the Orchids Hotel

    Day 360

    An Oasis of Orchids

    In the spirit of recognizing those who help make our work possible, we’re turning now to one of our most important partners in Congo – the staff at Orchid hotel.

    When teammates from out of country come to work with Asili, we can always rely on the Orchids Hotel to look after our guests and provide them with not only a positive experience, but a delightful one. The Orchid Hotel is an oasis of peacefulness and rejuvenation.

    The staff alternates living on site for half the week, switching with their colleagues for the other half. They show a huge amount of dedication to what they do, providing excellent service, always. On top of that, the Orchids Hotel was one of Asili’s first customers, purchasing both water and potatoes!

    So for Day 360, we’re saying thanks and showing them a little hospitality this time around.

    Orchids staff put new meaning to the idea of service with a smile. From going out of their way to get to know you, to spending time sharing their stories with you, the staff at the Orchid make you feel at home. For their kindness that kicks off every day in Congo so pleasantly, we surprised the entire serving staff with brand new Asili water dispensers, filled with clean Asili water! And, we got them yellow Asili aprons, too – so they can show their Asili pride.

    “You are amazing partners,” said Abraham, Asili’s leader in Congo. “We can always count on the Orchid as a place of rest, and as a great Asili customer. We’re grateful to call you friends and colleagues.”

    Now, the serving staff will be able to access Asili’s safe and fresh water, right from their own homes. They’ve made our lives easier – we’re happy that we can do the same for them, too.

    Thank you, Orchid Staff, for your impeccable service and unparalleled kindness. We couldn’t make Asili what it is without you!

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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