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    Appreciating our drivers

    Day 306

    Taking the Wheel

    Without our drivers, we’d be lost. Literally. With Asili in Congo, and everywhere we work around the world, our drivers get us where we need to be. And they get us there safely, even when the road gets tough.

    But drivers are also too often out of the spotlight. They don’t get the recognition they deserve for spending time away from their families when they need to work weekends. Or for getting us home safely during a downpour, when the roads get slick with mud. Or allowing us to build more Asili clinics and water points, helping us go further and farther than ever before.

    So for Day 306, we’re showing our Asili drivers a little appreciation.

    We picked up some things that will make their lives a little easier – like a phone car charger, air fresheners, new tools, gloves, cleaning supplies – they take great pride in their cars! – and a backpack to put it all in.

    “It’s important to show them that we’re thinking about them,” said Abraham, Asili’s Director. “Without them, we couldn’t get anything done. We need to acknowledge their work, even in small ways. They make a big difference.”

    Smiles were all around as the drivers – Paluku, Moses, Frank, Bahati, and Dario – went through their gifts with care. “We really needed these things,” said Paluku. “It’s really good.”

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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