Mama Salome is a woman on a mission. But she doesn’t see it as impossible – in fact, for her it’s very doable. It just takes time, supplies – and an incredible amount of determination.
What is Mama Salome’s mission? To teach all the kids in Eastern Congo the importance of handwashing, and how it can save lives. And, most importantly, to spread a message of hope and inspiration, one lesson at a time.
Every weekend, Mama Salome and her crew head up into the rural areas of Eastern Congo. She holds “Sunday Schools,” where sometimes even hundreds of children gather, listening to the proper ways to wash their hands. She gives out pamphlets to the kids too, so they can keep their lesson and show it to their friends.
So for Day 303, we decided to give Mama Salome’s lesson a little boost – by getting bars of soap for every child who comes to learn.
Standing in front of the kids who had gathered, Mama Salome went through the lesson step by step, demonstrating the safest way to wash hands, and when to wash them. She even led the kids in a handwashing song, which they gleefully recited.
At the same time, she told them all about Asili water, that it’s the safest, cleanest, and best-tasting. And it’s the best to wash your hands with, too.
“Washing hands is so important,” said Mama Salome. “but so many kids don’t know when to wash them, or why. We must spread our message of handwashing to all the children we can – it could even save the life of a little one.”
The handwashing lesson is close to Mama Salome’s heart, but it’s also so important for Asili. By going out of our way to reach these kids and provide them with the tools needed to stay clean, we’re showing that we care. That we believe in them. And that they’re important. And in turn, they’ll grow to appreciate us, too.
“This is how we show our love. We care about all these children. This is just a little reminder that we’re there for them.”