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    Gratitude for those who help

    Day 286

    A Token of Thanks

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the East Houston Civic Club (EHCC) is serving as a critical distribution center providing much needed relief to residents of Northeast Houston. The EHCC is the response of individuals coming together to support the community. Over 120 volunteers have helped out at EHCC since it opened just after the storm. Of those 120, there are about 40 volunteers that have gone way above and beyond, dedicated over 4 full days per week at the Civic Club (easily over 50-60 hours per week). Many of these volunteers have so felt compelled to volunteer that they’ve quit their jobs or taken a leave of absence.

    “It’s something that has to be done. You just pitch in whenever you can. You can’t just sit back and wait for someone to do it for you.”, said Maryland Whitaker, President of the EHCC. These volunteers give so much time, energy and passion in serving the NE community. It’s a pretty demanding job – day after day you’re on your feet,
    in the sweltering heat, moving and organizing heavy products, communicating with individuals and families there for relief and fulfilling their needs. The pace is fast and intense. Volunteers can get fatigued and burned out.

    We wanted to do something for these incredible volunteers to let them know how much their dedication is appreciated. So, on Day 286 we wrote thank you cards to each volunteer, thanking each person individually. We also gave each volunteer a gift card to Target so they could treat themselves, and we handed out a drink and a little treat they could enjoy while they worked.

    It was just a small gesture, but hopefully it helped the EHCC volunteers – who are doing an incredible service – feel recognized and appreciated for everything they’re doing.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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