Houstonians are dealing with some issues post-Harvey that might not first come to your mind…
Mosquitoes are annoying, all-year long in Houston. Going indoors is usually how to get away from the bothersome bugs. But with their homes opened up to dry out, there’s no longer any escape. And in northeast Houston, many communities are also struggling without clean running water. Less frequent handwashing could lead to an increased spread of germs and bacteria. Getting laid up with a cold, the flu or worse is the last thing people want while they’re still dealing with the aftermath of Harvey.
So, on Day 285 we decided to do something simple to help community members in northeast Houston protect themselves. Yesterday, we noticed that there wasn’t hand sanitizer or mosquito repellent available at the EHCC distribution center. So, we purchased both and they were quickly added to the distribution kits.
Then those kits were taken to a vaccination clinic – anyone who came in for a tetanus or flu vaccine received a kit containing the sanitizer, repellent and other essentials. Visits to the clinic increased during the day because of the new kits, and the supply quickly ran out. One volunteer told us, “in Texas, there’s no such thing as too much mosquito repellent.”