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    A solar lamp to light the dark

    Day 264

    Sunlight 24-7

    Imagine every night in total darkness. No way to find something in the dark, to see your way to the bathroom, to read…to do anything.

    That is how many people in Kyangwali pass every night. They don’t have any kind of a light, so when the sun goes down there’s little they can do but sit awake or sleep. If they have a little bit of money they try to buy parrafin candles, but those quickly run out. Being in the dark is challenging and terribly limiting for many people. But for certain individuals who are living on their own or are particularly vulnerable, not having a light can really be terrifying.

    On Day 264, we were determined to bring light into the lives of as many Kyangwali residents as we could. We delivered solar lamps to 35 of the most vulnerable individuals in the settlement. The lamps sit out in the sun all day long charging, and then they last for hours of use after the sun goes down. They’ll make an impact – overnight!

    “I have been buying parrafin when I have money and sometimes stay in darkness,” said Mupendwa, an older woman who lives in Kentomi village. “I’m so scared that bad people might come and harm me. Now I have this solar lamp and all my fears are gone. Bye Bye Parrafin!”

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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