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    Cameras to show, teach and record

    Day 250

    Community Shutterbugs

    Yesterday we introduced you to the members of the ARC team who are closest to the community here in Kyangwali – our Community Activists or CAs. These folks are the eyes and ears of ARC. They help us see and identify issues before they become a full-blown problem in the settlement. Our 68 CAs live all throughout the settlement, so they really have a pulse on what’s happening.

    Yesterday, we provided the CAs with a desktop computer that they could use to compose their weekly reports and brush up on their computer skills. Today, they gave us another idea, something else that they could all share that would bring real value to their communities. A camera!

    Part of a CA’s job is to show and teach. This can range from sharing messages about how to prevent violence against women and children to helping neighbors understand the risk factors for different diseases. And our CAs knew a camera would help them do their work more effectively.

    So, on Day 250, we delivered 4 cameras for the community activists to share among them. One thing the Community Activists are concerned about is the environment and helping their community clean and beautify their surroundings. So, when one CA saw the new cameras he was already thinking about how he could take photos around Kyangwali – images of dirty areas and clean areas – so he could show his neighbors what a difference their environmental efforts could make. A sort of before and after…

    Other CAs were just excited to be able to backup what they’ve been sharing in their written reports with actual, real-life images. “I like the digital migration coming into our lives, just imagine a camera to get photos for reports and show what’s happening in our communities,” said Leopold, a Community Activist.

    Knowing our CAs, they’ll likely come up with some other ways of utilizing the new cameras – like capturing their neighbors’ important moments and celebrations to then share back with the community. We can’t wait to see what they do next.

    Another change made possible by Atomic Data.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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