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    Support for some incredible entertainers

    Day 195

    The Beat of the Drum

    Seeing the Burundian drummers of Nakivale perform is something you will never forget. Despite the constant movement and even carrying their heavy traditional drums on their heads at points, their energy never wanes over the two hours. Their extraordinary talent makes them a must for any community event in Nakivale refugee settlement.

    “We’re working to keep our culture going here in Nakviale. We like to share with the neighbors around us – Somalis, Congolese and Rwandese,” says Therence, a drummer in the group.

    They also teach the younger generations to pass along the traditions they had to leave behind in Burundi. But, sometimes their drums get damaged or they don’t have enough to teach the younger groups. The group took part in the World Refugee Day 5k on June 20 hoping people would support their cause and raise money for more drums.

    “The difficulty is that the drums we have found here are not our Burundian drums. They are made differently and the sound is not the same. Everything depends on having that sound,” says Rene, the group’s president.

    “Drums are a big part of my life. I went to school and got married all because of drums,” says Therence.

    So, we searched high and low to find more drums for this group. It wasn’t easy, but together we knew that it was doable!

    “Thank you. For us, this is very important to keep our culture, to remember our Burundi,” says Rene.

    A very special thanks to the Igongo Country Hotel and Cultural Center for fully funding the drummers. Additionally, Igongo – which is located nearby Nakivale settlement – has decided to hire the drummers to perform at special events and help them find even more paying gigs.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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