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    A first in Nakivale Settlement...

    Day 186

    Making a Studio

    Back on Day 150 we met Barious. He is a young, talented musician who lives in Nakivale Refugee Settlement. He’s a songwriter, composer, singer, dancer and music teacher. His home doubles as a gathering place for other young musicians. We were inspired by his passion to teach and use his talent to promote positive messages in his community.

    When we first met Barious, he shared his dream to open a music recording studio in Nakivale. “My friends and I want to create a place where young kids can come and we can train younger generations how to compose songs and record music,” explained Barious.

    So, Barious and his team ran in the World Refugee Day 5k on June 20 to make their dream happen. And today, through our community of changemakers, we were able to return to Nakivale and make his dream a reality!

    Barious, and the other youth that he teaches and composes music with, had already worked together to build a structure that they hoped would become their music studio. With just a few necessary pieces of equipment like a mixer, keyboard, headphones and microphone this simple mud structure was transformed. Nakivale now has its first music studio, giving talented refugees a way to share their talent.

    “There are a lot of people in Nakivale making amazing music. Now, we can capture that music and share with the world so they can see the talent we have here,” said Barious.

    Special thanks to Carly Lunden, Chris Kindler, Karla Nagy, William Theriac, The Palmieri family, Clif Bar, and Sandra Wordsworth for making Barious and his team’s dream happen.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


    Changemakers 365 members give either $30 per month or a one-time gift of $365 (it’s free for anyone who has ever lived in a refugee camp). Join us!

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