Stopping the Spread of COVID-19 in 44 Countries and Counting
COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in nearly every country in the world. The novel coronavirus has overwhelmed even the world’s best health systems. We wonder: how can such a microscopic virus have such gargantuan might? We remember: our might is stronger still, especially when we act as one.
This is the moment to join together, to keep each other safe, to protect our most vulnerable, and to spread kindness.
You Can Help: Make a donation to help communities from Darfur to San Salvador weather COVID-19
COVID-19 emergency response funding is urgently needed. The most pressing needs include: isolation units, medical support, personal protective equipment for front line care givers, soap and handwashing stations, disinfection supplies for medical centers, direct support to local organizations, food aid to those in desperate need, and prevention messaging.
How Alight Is Fighting COVID-19 Worldwide
In Our Hands. Alongside our partner, we’ve developed a set of health messages to give people more information about COVID-19 – particularly vulnerable and marginalized people. Created from WHO guidelines, these health images and messages have been translated into many different languages and are available for use by anyone – with the goal to reach people who aren’t otherwise being reached. We’re sharing these messages through influencer marketing, digital, radio and advertising, text messages and through partnerships with governments and organizations. The #InOurHands campaign is uniting people everywhere against COVID, and has reached more than 54 million people with health and hygiene messages that can help stop the spread of the virus and keep themselves and their families safe. The goal is to reach 100 million people worldwide.
The Color Movement is a partnership with Catholic Sisters worldwide to fight the spread of COVID-19. So far, we’re working with Sisters in 28 countries on 5 continents. Alight, in close partnership with Sisters Rising, provides direct access to health professionals and trainings, small grants, and virtual community support.
Here’s a closer look at how Alight teams are helping to combat coronavirus around the globe:
The Alight Pakistan team has conducted health messaging and hygiene demos in remote Afghan refugees’ villages. They are providing food support to families who can no longer work. They’ve taken to the airwaves, sharing health messages about how to prevent and protect against COVID with hundreds of thousands of children and parents on radio programs throughout the country and via SMS. And they’ve recruited dozens of celebrities, government officials, and influencers to share health messages via social media. They are also partnering with a university to make and distribute hand sanitizer.
Alight in Rwanda is the Health and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene lead in three refugee camps. The team’s role is to identify, isolate, and coordinate with the government’s three district rapid response teams for safe transport and referral to government-run isolation, management and treatment centers. Our teams have installed handwashing stations throughout camps, and set up symptom screening checkpoints at camp entrances and all service points.
The Alight Somalia team provides health care in 21 different clinics across the country. The team has been rapidly working to train and equip the front-line teams. We’ve also been distributing soap and doubled our food and nutrition support, as food insecurity is increasingly a challenge in Somalia.
South Sudan
South Sudan still has relatively few cases of COVID-19. The team is using the time to rapidly teach people – in some of the most hard-to-reach places on earth – about the disease, including door to door information sharing, posters in offices and centers, and encouraging social distancing at gatherings.
Alight Sudan is responsible for health and water services to 1,500,000 people in south and east Darfur. The team is rapidly expanding hand washing facilities and training and equipping all health teams with PPEs and other vital supplies. Community awareness activities are in full-swing with door-to-door canvassing and information sharing at service points like clinics and water points.
South-East Asia
In South-East Asia, Alight runs and guides community-based health programs in five countries. Teams are trained to identify and report cases. The teams are testing a new community isolation model, and are screening people for coronavirus symptoms at 49 different regional checkpoints. They’ve incorporated COVID-19 awareness and prevention information into their existing TB and malaria prevention campaign.
Alight Uganda is the Protection lead in seven settlements. In partnership with TO Foundation, a community-driven response is being rolled out in Nakivale Settlement. Using real-time feedback from Kuja Kuja, the response focuses on engaging community members to help respond to community needs. Community members are constructing handwashing stations, making enough soap to sustain the settlement, and sewing face masks to distribute and keep everyone safe.
Help Alight Bring Coronavirus Relief to Refugee Camps Around the World
Our work isn’t limited to specific countries – we want to make a difference everywhere. We know that a coordinated effort will save lives, and you can be a part of that. No matter where you are, you can make a donation to help refugees weather COVID-19.