Before leaving Islamabad, we wanted to have one last get together with a group of parents and students from one of the communities we had been working with called Ispalal. This group had welcomed us quickly and fully into their community, and we felt easily at home whenever we visited and were greeted by hugs and warm words.
Not only that, but the mothers were particularly invested in ensuring that their children excelled in school and grew up in a supportive and clean community…
These were the same mothers who championed the waste disposal project by suggesting getting new garbage bins that they would be able to take care of, and the same mothers who were supporting their children in starting kitchen gardens at home and planting fruit trees that would grow up as the students did the same.
Since it was the month of Ramadan, we realized quickly that an easy solution to our idea of getting together would be to host an iftar, where we’d be able to break the fast of the day with the community.
It wasn’t uncommon for a smaller set of people to host an event like this for a bigger group, so as soon we as we spoke with the community about the idea, they quickly arranged for it to happen!
One of the mothers volunteered the large courtyard she had to host everyone, and set our large mats for all of us to enjoy the food on. We got drinks, pakoras, samosas, dates, and a goat meat stew to enjoy while sitting in each other’s company.
During the meal, Fatima, one of Alight’s literacy mobilizers in Pakistan, said, “Whenever you think in a particular way, whenever you think positively, the universe will help get you there.”
And it was true! We had spoken with some community members over the last few days and made many ideas happen. It’s hard to imagine they would have been possible without the optimism and perseverance of so many different people.
This change made possible by Mankind Is My Business
Meet Sam!
Sam developed an interest in forced displacement, food, and identity while working on her MA. She’s now using this knowledge to support Changemakers 365 on food security and agricultural projects across our countries. When she’s not off on a work trip, she’s busy fermenting beverages, training for half marathons, or listening to podcasts at her home in Minneapolis.