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    Making good health just a little more convenient

    Day 321

    Easy Does It

    We all know what it’s like – sometimes doing the “right” thing for yourself and your body is all about convenience. If the gym is far away, how likely are you to get there? If that good book you’ve been meaning to read is out of reach, you might just settle for reality TV instead.

    That’s the concept behind “tip top” jerrycans. It’s not that they deliver better or cleaner water than regular jerrycans, it’s just that they’re more fun. And easier to use. So, more people use them.

    In Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, getting clean water is a challenge for most people, and even more so for one community we’ve been working with the past few days. So, we thought, couldn’t we make the water they do get just a little more convenient to use?

    Tip top jerrycans flip, pouring water to use for hand washing and drinking. They’re really popular with kids, who sometimes need extra encouragement to wash their hands.

    Our colleague Andrew has seen them in use throughout many of the places we work. He knows how much the kids love them! So it was his idea to bring more tip top jerrycans to Kyangwali.

    We got enough of these mini jerrycans for everyone household in this community – that’s almost 800!

    “Some of the large jerrycans can be difficult to lift for kids,” said Andrew. “These are just a little easier, but enough so that everyone can wash their hands with ease!”

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


    Changemakers 365 members give either $30 per month or a one-time gift of $365 (it’s free for anyone who has ever lived in a refugee camp). Join us!

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