Whether you realize it or not, a big part of your healthcare experience is all about aesthetics – are the sheets clean? Do the walls need to be painted? Do the doctors and nurses look crisp and professional?
You can be with the most talented medical staff in the world, but if the space isn’t in tip top shape, chances are you won’t feel like you’re getting the best care.
At one health center in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, you didn’t have to look far to see that the beds were past their prime. Many of them were cracked and broken.
Needless to say, the beds – and by extension the clinic itself – did not look very inviting.
This was something we could solve.
It was an easy fix….new beds and sheets for the clinic! Not only did the new additions brighten up the place, but it brought new life to patients and medical team alike. Patients can rest a little more soundly, and the team can have confidence in the quality care they aim to provide.
No one should have to settle for uncomfortable or unsafe beds, especially when you’re feeling at your worst. With this one change, everybody can focus on what they’re there to do – get better.
This change made possible by Atomic Data.